Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Most Common Type of Hair Loss

Hair Products Proven To Slow The Most Common Type of Hair Loss

Minoxidil hair products are quickly gaining the reputation for being the most affordable and productive non surgical treatment for male pattern baldness. In this article we explore this phenomenon and try to figure out why this is the case.

Before minoxidil hair products were the rave this one of a kind product was used (and still is) to treat high blood pressure. As a blood pressure medication it is taken orally in pill form. But it wasn’t until minoxidil hair products became available without a prescription that such brand names as Rogaine and Loniten become household names. Today, the name Rogaine is recognized worldwide and graces the shelves of most major drug store and superstore chains.

Minoxidil hair products are considered the first line of defense against the most common cause of balding and thinning hair; androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia is an inherited hormone driven condition that responsible for nine out of ten cases of hair loss in men and one in four cases in women. If you don’t recognize the name you certainly will recognize the pattern of balding it causes.

In men it causes that classic M shaped pattern, with balding on top, a receding hairline, with much of the hair in back and on the sides being unaffected. The women’s version is characterized by a general thinning in which the receding hairline some prominent in men is rarely seen. But what both male and female versions of androgenetic alopecia have in common is that they are progressive and will continue unless some form of treatment is implemented. Thus the popularity of minoxidil hair products.

Topical minoxidil is very effective in protecting existing hair and slowing the progression of androgenetic alopecia (90 percent). On the other hand, when the goal is to re-grow lost hair the numbers range from 2 to 4 out of ten and some of that growth less than stellar.

These low numbers for re-growth have prompted a number of reputable companies to combine the use of topical minoxidil with other natural oral ingredients to jumpstart health hair re-growth. Perhaps the most notable of these additional ingredients is the herb saw palmetto.

Saw palmetto is suggested for androgenetic alopecia in men. It is not suggested for use by women and the herb nettle root is often substituted. While no one has been able to quite figure out exactly how it works, it is believed that it may block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

In summary, if you are showing signs of either male or female androgenetic alopecia minoxidil hair products likely will be one of your few affordable treatment options.

What Next? There are currently a handful of hair re-growth products (specially formulated for both men and women) which have been proven effective both in blocking harmful hormones and bringing the all important dead hair follicles back to life. These specially formulated treatments can be used both as a preventative tool, starting before hair loss becomes severe, or after loss of hair has become noticeable. Whatever the level of balding or thinning you are experiencing these products could be just what is needed to overcome this latest life challenge.

By Rob D. Hawkins

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